ottod’Ame @MFW / Sei in Salotto
Sei in Salotto.
strategy – concept – creative direction – event direction – location&models scouting – production – music selection
The first time of ottod’Ame at the Milan Fashion Week.
The first time that ottod’Ame unveils its true essence in such an important occasion.
We envisaged the hectic pace and tension of whoever passing from one catwalk to the other, the desire of enjoying the moment in a different dimension, more quiet and peaceful. We found the way to open the doors of ottod’Ame’s house welcoming the press staff, insiders and brand lovers in a special and unique Salotto. Are you curious?

Love is the key.
This question accompanied the cadeaux we designed for this special night, a key to keep secretly and caress in your pocket. A key that ideally could open the doors of the ottod’Ame’s house in Milan. A location we looked for, chose and desired with all the strength – or rather stubbornness, as you prefer – that characterize us when we realize that we hit the mark, and what we see is simply perfect for our customer. Six rooms to fill up with a story. That’s what we did.
Sei, in Salotto.
During the model casting, we chose the most intense gazes, the hands with the longest fingers, the most elegant necks. We opted for women that can follow the lead, and invented, with the precious collaboration of an actress, a dramaturgical narration made of gestures and moves. We didn’t want six display rooms showing static mannequins. We designed a tableau vivant, we strived for a poetic and emotional movement, a way to live the collection at a meaningful and deeper level, at an extended and less compressed rhythm. Beauty is to enjoy slowly.

Quiet, action!
The production of an event is a complex engine of endless gears that line up smoothly. That must fit perfectly to make everything work. For this very reason, before an important event, you might notice our concentration, and frowning expressions, while speaking on the phone or running to an appointment. In almagreal, every single detail – even the smallest nuance – is planned, examined and carefully chosen. With utmost attention and care. From the choice of the book to the model/actress and flowers to play with. From the room divider that seems to be there by chance, to the colour of the cup used by a protagonist in a room. A relentless pursuit to achieve the result we imagined. Then, the tension dissolves. Satisfaction, here you come.
What else? Party!
And once the collection presentation is over? It’s time to party! In this regard, honestly, we get along quite nicely. For the Milan Fashion Week by ottod’Ame we opted for a live show featured by Amycanbe – a band in tight connection with the brand – since they are the authors of some of the amazing original tracks of the fashion movies. A touching moment for an exciting night. To conclude: the DJ set by Tijana T, helpful to set the adrenaline free and let the crowd go wild. Enjoying cheerful moments is a part of our job, too. To treasure them in our hearts.

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