Savigni / Landing page
Christmas is Strong!
strategy – design – creative & art direction – shooting concept – copywriting – illustration
When tastiness calls, almagreal answers.
The Savigni landing page, entirely dedicated to Christmas presents, is mouth-watering.
And it makes you want to be good!
An effective landing page follows a few and simple rules: clarity, ease, forcefulness. The landing page that we designed for the gift products by Savigni follows all the rules, by adding a special twist in the unique almagreal style. Beautiful, high-quality pictures, under the right lightning and with the perfect framing, are obviously there. However, there is a new way of narrating the organic products of the butcher farm in Pavana. An original, amusing, colourful way, which harmonizes perfectly with the brand identity.
Clear contents and a direct, simple, visible call to action. As a matter of fact, when we are up to a quality product – at the highest levels – as in the case of Savigni, it is easier to perceive the passion, experience and know-how behind every single speciality.

It's Xmas, let's be happy!
We opted for giving colours a primary role by letting that the backgrounds we used for the shooting – designed and directed by almagreal – could compose a catchy and merry structure.

Happy shooting!
The shooting was a great opportunity to give the fair emphasis to the packaging we had realized for Savigni. Small boxes recalling the pink Bee, perfect for mortadella and a small gift, shopper bags showing off the barbell – the symbol of the brand – lifted up by a strong moustached man, boxes in different sizes for every kind of gourmand. Let us say that we had a lot of fun on the set. Thanks to the cooperative atmosphere and the common will to bring home an excellent result, but thanks to the trust of our client, too, that truly enjoyed playing with us in the role of an outstanding Santa Claus.

The social campaign
This year, more than ever, Christmas is strong! And must be shared. Therefore, in the social media planning we included sponsored ads to reach a specific audience, in order to generate leads. Beside the ADV campaigns, we created organic posts to convey the unique passion and Christmas mood by Savigni.

fatti un giro tra i nostri fadvorites