human company
Welcome to hu!
New name, new brand, same enthusiasm. Human becomes hu. And almagreal signs the rebranding, the teaser campaign and the launch of the new face of the Italian open air. Happy to meet hu!
Human is being. Being, human. Human beings. Human. Hu. An initial intuition, a new name that speaks of a need: to simplify, to bring closer, to customise. Almagreal responded with a rebranding and a launch campaign that focuses on the true protagonist of the Human Company hospitality: hu.
Rethink, restart. With people at the centre.
Hospitality means caring, for customers and employees.
It means listening, studying and understanding. It means putting people at the centre. This is why the rebranding of Human was preceded by a campaign dedicated to the company’s employees. To reassure, accompany and guide the team – Human’s real strength – towards this new adventure. Together. Are hu ready?
What do /juː/ need?
In order to create hype and anticipation for the launch of the new brand, we decided to run a big teaser operation, starting with a simple question. Above all, we thought about the audience: who are they, what do they want, what do they need? There is no right answer, but maybe there is one that is more right than the others.
Which one? A holiday.
That’s why the teaser campaign we created for the launch of hu is linked to a big contest.
All you need is hu!
It’s pronounced /juː/ – like you! – spelled hu and means an open-air holiday tailored to you. In the countryside, at the lake, by the sea, in the city, in the hills. Wherever you want! The launch campaign designed to reveal the new hu brand is aimed directly at the customer. Need space? Need a journey? Need a break? You need hu. A concept based on the dichotomy between the sights and sounds of everyday life and those of the open air. The open air in its broadest concept, understood as nature, leisure, freedom. The open air, with open arms.
I’m here for hu!
Where? The “What do you need?” campaign lives online, in DEMs dedicated to its customers, on Spotify, on YouTube, on Google, on Facebook and Instagram. A multi-channel campaign to build awareness, familiarity, consideration of a new brand designed to remain well impressed in the minds of Italian and foreign customers.

Hello, it’s hu!
The teaser and launch campaigns were coordinated with a DEM – direct email marketing – and newsletter activity that followed the costumers at every stage of the project. Designed, written and styled by almagreal, all the DEMs and newsletters provided a valuable moment of contact with hu’s regular customers and new – and future – customers.
Just for hu!
I like hu, and you?

Are hu you / juː / ready?
take a tour of our fadvorites