Paola Bellelli new image
Human Company
The mind often lies.
strategy – branding – visual identity – illustration – web design – content creation
This is what Paola Bellelli - first HR manager, then trainer and now coach and counsellor - explained us when talking about her idea of counselling: making listening the way and direction of her personal and professional journey.
The connection with almagreal has been immediate. She told us about her story and her mission, both guided by Acceptance, Consistency and Empathy.
We listened to her and let ourselves be inspired.
Visual identity without boundaries.
Object and subject that meet, exchange and thus change. For Paola Bellelli we designed a visual identity based on fluidity, comparison and growth. People, faces and expressions that define themselves in a one-to-one relationship. Colours and shapes that warm, bring us back to the earth and to the origin. Words, selected with care and attention, that summarise processes, ways and worlds.
From business cards to notepads, every element of communication tells of Paola’s idea of counselling.

Un logo che dà forma a un’idea.
La Gestalt, il corpo, la percezione, la forma dell’essere, la relazione.
Queste le ispirazioni per la costruzione e la creazione del logo. Nello scambio del confronto e della consapevolezza del sé, abbiamo preso a modello la Campanella – Bell, in inglese – e il simbolismo che richiama: esserci, adesso. Ritrovarsi e ritrovare tutte la capacità che sono insite in noi. Dentro abbiamo iscritto due volti, senza genere, senza nazionalità. Esseri, umani.

Web design, copy strategy and tone of voice.
To approach, to trust, to discover something new. The website we designed for Paola Bellelli is the synthesis of her way of working: warm, simple, immediate. With an abundant dose of creativity. We need curiosity, we need clarity, we need contact.

fatti un giro tra i nostri fadvorites